Monday, July 18, 2011

What does this dream mean?

It was early in the morning, my dad woke me up cause he slammed the bathroom door hard (he had to go to work) and I decided to keep sleeping. So I fell asleep again and started dreaming this scary dream. (for me it was scary cause I rarely have scary dreams or dream anything at all) I dreamed that, school was about to begin and I needed to get prepared for it. So I went in my room to look for my gym clothes, and you know how in dreams everything's messed up? so instead of getting a Gym t-shirt, I got a pillow. Anyways I heard my parents calling me, so I talked from the hallway that I have right outside my room and I replied, "No not now, I have to get ready for school" (cause they asked me if I could do something real quick) and my dad replied angrily, "NO. You're gonna do this, and do it NOW." and I left my door, a TINY bit open so I could see into the room and there was a light reflection on the door. As I was arguing with my parents, for some reason I decided to look into the light reflection and I saw this massive shadow of a lady, tied hair, big breasts, she was wearing a skirt and a sweater. and she was walking. Once I saw that, I SCREAMED (in my dreams) and ran downstairs... thats where the dream stopped. I woke up terrified, I couldnt move, I didnt wanna open my eyes, and I was home alone (except my dog) again it was 4:33 am and this dream got me SHOOKED. what does it mean? Does it even have a meaning?

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