Wednesday, July 13, 2011

When will conservatives realize it is the free market that is destroying America?

Capitalism...the Adam Smith many providers in competition was a pretty good plan in post war America. Unions were strong and were paid good wages with good benefits. American corporations made high profits and paid high taxes. Between taxes on wages and taxes on profits the US had massive amounts of public money to build up a truly first world social and physical infrastructure. Of course at the time Europe was destroyed by WW2 as was Japan. China and Russia manufactured nothing of value. The entire world wanted our high quality, union made, Made in America goods. By the 1980 American corporations found it easier to buy up smaller corporations to increase market share rather than increase production in the US. Ever lower taxes began to degrade our social and physical infrastructure. The ongoing 'Cold War' soaked up billions of dollars as did Vietnam. Japan and Europe began producing high quality goods. American corporations began to move overseas for cheap labor. Union busting was in. Corporations began buying each other up at a faster and faster pace. Trade deals that exported American industries went into high gear because corporations demanded that trade laws favor 'them', not American workers. China came on line and that was it for the American worker who has seen 'capitalism' that worked in his favor, become a form of corporate trans national capitalism that has robbed THIS country blind. 'Free' trade meant that we gave away an economy that favored the American working class for 'free'. Now the corporate capitalists want to reduce ALL pay and benefits all over the world and they have the current GOP/Teabag/Fox 'News'/ Jesus freak party on board to make that happen. A world wide 'middle class' has been created to absorb corporate production, though this process has reduced the 'American' middle class. China's several billion people, even with a 'small' middle class is always going to be much larger than the US middle class with our piddling 300 million people. China can absorbe more production than we can by far. Corporations don't need us. Basically we've been clear cut and stripped mined. There are many more moving parts to this, but the take away is the evolution of Capitalism has lead to the crucifixion of the American working class on a cross of 'Everyday Low Prices' and unless this is reversed, we're going to have to live at a much lower level of life style...and many of us already are.

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